APM Specialty Services Demonstrates our Commitment to Being the Best Running Turbine Fleet in the Industry

When you need a team that’s knowledgeable and dedicated to getting the job done, APM delivers. We take great pride in quality and productivity, not just because our customers expect it but because it’s what we believe in. At APM, we stand by Thomas Edison’s words, “The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration.” Our APM Specialty Services team recently validated this belief during their support of the GE On Site Services (OSS) team at Entergy Little Gypsy in Montz, LA...

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APM Specialty Services is Recognized for Their Dedication to Safety

When you need a crew that lends careful attention to safety in every aspect of their work, APM delivers. Safety is core to our company culture and a promise we make both to ourselves and our customers. Our APM Specialty Services team recently supported a PCL-802 compressor repair and installation for Spectra Energy in Delmont, PA and was recognized by the GE PGS Field Engineer, Tony Ball, for always taking the correct steps safely and filling out Job Safety Analysis (JSAs) daily to ensure no accidents occurred on the jobsite...

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APM Fossil North Team Proves Their Commitment to our Jobsite Priorities

When safety, quality and on-time execution matter to you, APM delivers. That’s because we value the same jobsite priorities that you do, and we prove it in our work. Our APM Fossil North team recently fulfilled a Forced Outage for PCS Nitrogen in Lima, OH. The crew was led by APM Superintendents, Roger Jones and Walter Darnell. Upon completion of the job, GE PGS North Region Service Manager, Matt McGuire recognized the team’s excellent execution, stating...

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APM Fossil South Performs a Best in Class Outage

APM delivers quality jobs with attention to safety and productivity. Our employees perform their work meticulously with focus on customer satisfaction. In October, 2014, APM had such a team at a new customer site, Green Country Energy in Oklahoma. The team performed a Best in Class Outage (BIC). The hours target for the 7FA Major (MI) inspection was set at 4,872 hours, and the team came in at 3,141 hours...

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APM Nuclear Team Receives Recognition for Our Flexible Manpower

When you need manpower, APM delivers. Our APM Nuclear team recently fulfilled a job for Exelon at sites Peach Bottom in Delta, PA and Oyster Creek in Forked River, NJ. The scope for the Oyster Creek job was a possible emergent generator rewind. The site tested the generator, and the unit went to ground, which indicated faults in the stator. We manned the project in 72 hours with 2 Superintendents, 1 Clerk, Millwrights, Operating Engineers and Pipefitters, totaling approximately 75 in headcount...

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APM Specialty Services Delivers Solutions and Goes the Extra Mile on a Find

APM Specialty Services experts, Andy Childers, Dave Berry, Mitchell Mascowski and Alan Pelletier, formed a dynamic team to successfully execute a Lube Oil Drain Rework challenge at Spectra Energy/TX Eastern located in Bedford, PA.  When unbolting the drain piping, substantial metal shavings were discovered in the motor drain pipe (exciter end) and the site glass.  After lab analysis, it was determined the shavings were from the labyrinth seals...

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APM Specialty Services Collaborates with GE to Solve Challenges in the Field

When you need innovative problem solving, APM delivers. Our APM Specialty Services Service Manager, Nick Brockman, recently attended a workout session at the Gas Turbine Outage Simulator (GTOS) Facility in Greenville, NC to help develop solutions for challenges the field is encountering during the Vertical Blade Exchange process and Up-tower Pitch Bearing Exchange process...

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APM Nuclear Team Receives Appreciation for Their Dedication and a Job Well Done

When you need dedication to your job, APM delivers. Our APM Nuclear team recently fulfilled a job at the Dresden D3R23 Refueling Outage and received recognition from GE PGS Americas North Region Service Manager, Martice Nash, for their excellent support. Martice commented, “Without each and every one of you either on site or off site working cohesively, this job would not have been as successful. The customer is extremely thankful and appreciative for the support..."

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APM Fossil West Proves Their Safety Commitment during Customer Visits

When you need safety to be the top priority on your jobsite, APM delivers. Our APM Fossil team from the West Region recently fulfilled a job for Chevron at Kern River Cogeneration Company (KRCC) led by our Superintendent, Jeff Richardson. During the outage, Larry Ihfe, a Chevron Operations Manager visited the site and had this to say, “As part of my visit, I took a tour of the unit to observe the progress of the work and to gauge the safety of the work. While observing the gas turbine work, I introduced myself to Jeff Richardson and asked if I could see the procedure for the work to show my boss the approach utilized. Jeff took the time to walk us through the procedure and the process that is followed related to the work, and he patiently addressed our numerous questions and inquiries..."

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APM Fossil North Perseveres Through Challenges and Delivers Fulfillment Excellence

When you need a “can-do” approach on your job, APM delivers. Our APM Fossil team from the North Region recently fulfilled a job alongside the GE team and received appreciation from a Field Engineer for their support, “I want to send a note of appreciation and recognition for the two APM Superintendents, Ken Dodson (day shift) and Mike Benacquisto (night shift) as well as the two APM millwrights that were working for me during the combustion inspection for Unit 9 at Elwood Energy..."

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APM Fossil North and GSSI Team Up with GE Site Personnel to Complete a Hazard Hunt

When you need commitment to a job done right, APM delivers.  Our APM Fossil team from the North Region recently partnered with our Global Safety Sources (GSSI) team and GE on their jobsite at Dominion-Fairless to complete a “Hazard Hunt” or walk-through audit on the steam turbine deck. The hunt team, led by APM Superintendent, Mike Ornoski, GSSI Safety Specialist, Ed Geers, and GE Contract Performance Manager, Cal McGinley, had the goal of checking the deck for housekeeping and means of egress, since the areas had become crowded with all of the parts and equipment that had been removed from the unit...

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APM Nuclear Superintendent Receives Recognition for Excellent Job Leadership

When you need fulfillment excellence in all job aspects, APM delivers. Our APM Nuclear Superintendent, Juan Ramirez, recently received recognition from GE Lead Field Engineer, Kevin L. Adair, for his excellent leadership on the TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear U3R16 Turbine Outage. Juan’s efforts were acknowledged with the attached letter of appreciation...

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APM Fossil North Team Receives Appreciation for Success on a Challenging Outage

When you need your job completed on schedule with precision despite challenges and obstacles, APM delivers. Our APM Fossil North Team recently received recognition from our customer for executing a D11 Major at Calpine Westbrook. A customer representative, Arthur Hamilton, commented, “Please accept my most sincere appreciation for a job well done. We have worked a lot of hours, with our goals met of safety, quality and schedule. You have again exceeded my expectations, and I am proud to have supported such a professional team..."

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GSSI Safety Focus Keeps Jobsite Hazards In Check

When safety is your priority, APM delivers. APM’s affiliate, Global Safety Sources, Inc. (GSSI), guarantees an innovative crew dedicated to ensuring safe job environments for site visitors and workers. One of our GSSI Safety Specialists, Steve Conrad, recently partnered with team members and jobsite personnel to extinguish fall hazards in their work area...

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APM Fossil North Team Receives Appreciation for Commitment to Safety and Quality

When you set priorities for safety and quality on the job, APM delivers. Our APM Fossil North Team recently received appreciation for their successful completion of a job at Dynegy Kendall. Thomas E. Reed, GE Senior Contract Performance Manager, commented, “I want to express my appreciation for the fantastic performance and professionalism of Barry Burroughs and his APM crew during the outages this spring at Dynegy Kendall..."

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Forging Full Speed Ahead After Our Conference in Orlando

This year we return to the edge of our Fall outage season after a great 2014 Superintendent Conference in Orlando, Florida. We had over 400 in attendance, including APM Superintendents, GETSCO Superintendents, GSSI Safety Specialists and APM Corporate management and personnel. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event to gear up for the upcoming outage seasons...

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APM 7FA.03 Gas Turbine Outage Simulator Event

Top expert teams from craft labor affiliate APM, as well as PGS North America Field Services, PGS Global Services Excellence and Customer Outage Engineering spent a week in Greenville, SC at the new 7FA.03 Gas Turbine Outage Simulator (GTOS) focused on reducing the number of craft labor man hours associated with a 7FA Major Inspection. Prior to working on the GTOS, the teams spent a day in Mooresville, NC (Race City, USA) learning the inner workings of motorsports pit crews and the critical essence of speed and productivity in that industry...

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APM Fossil Proves Their Dedication to Innovation and Simplification Through a Cool Tool Creation

When you want innovative techniques, APM delivers. A member of our APM Fossil West Team, Art Diaz, recently helped to design and implement a tool that produced tremendous cost savings for our customer. During the job, the customer requested replacement of the 3rd stage aft wheel discourager seal...

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