GSSI Safety Focus Keeps Safety in Plain Sight

When safety is your priority, APM delivers. APM’s affiliate, Global Safety Sources, Inc. (GSSI), guarantees an innovative crew working to improve safety programs and ensure safe job environments for site visitors and workers. One of our GSSI Safety Specialists, Steve Conrad, recently partnered with GE South Region EHS Manager, Steve Davis, to implement a new program for labeling secondary chemical containers...

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APM is Committed to FME Monitoring and Quality Performance

When you need quality and accountability on your jobsite, APM delivers. Our APM Fossil Team in the West region was recently recognized for their vigilance and dedication to FME (Foreign Material Exclusion) awareness. During a job, two of our APM crew members, Jorge Jimenez and Martin Horenburg, were assisting the Generator Specialist and discovered two pieces of tie wire in the turbine end generator directly under the location where the UT flow scaffolding was tied into the generator axial gussets...

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APM Pulse Walks in Houston

The APM Pulse Team joined together for the 2013 Houston Heart Walk against cardiovascular disease and stroke on Saturday, November 16th.  We are proud of our team for stepping up to show support for this important cause. The walk consisted of a 5k route around the Reliant Arena and Astrodome complex.  Sponsored by the American Heart Association, the affair was filled with as many educational opportunities as it was fun, with tents, health booths, live music and more. It was a great day to network with other local groups while learning about heart health, and although it was a misty day in Houston, there was no shortage of participants at the walk...

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Thanks for Another Great Session in Vegas!

As we return from our 2013 Superintendent Training in Las Vegas, we would like to thank everyone again who participated. This was our largest Vegas training yet, with a total of 423 attendants, including APM Superintendents, GSSI Safety Specialists, Viceroy management and personnel, and all of the guests. We enjoyed having our GSSI Team join us this year and look forward to many other collaborative events in the future. This training event took a lot of dedication and coordination between our teams to run as smoothly as it did, and we are very proud of the excellent contributions to make this a success! We tried out some new ideas this year and hope you agree that they were a big hit! To mention one, we offered a wide variety of soft skill training sessions on Wednesday. By utilizing the badge scanners for these sessions, we can now evaluate what kind of soft skill training you were interested in. This will help us better prepare for future training events...

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Farewell, Pasadena Turbine Rotor

Pasadena recently bid farewell to one of its GE 7FA turbine rotors on January 31st  of this year. The rotor was given to the APM SS Division by GE in early 2011 to use for training purposes. Over the years, it has served its time as a truly effective training tool, assisting in the training process for many APM SS Blade Technicians on multiple work scopes including removal and installation of buckets for F class gas turbines, biscuit mod, blend polish and peen, blade blending, erosion blending and flapper peening. The training mock-up in Pasadena is indicative of performing these processes at a site where the rotor is out of the machine and on rollers. 

Knowing that internal parts of the training rotor we had was needed to repair a flooded power plant rotor in the Northeast (Coyote), the APM SS Division returned the rotor back to the GE Houston Service Center and replaced our training mock-up with a spare rotor from the Pasadena APM yard. The lead guys involved in the move were APM Personnel, Steven Putman, John Syphrett, Robert Thibodeaux and Kendall Tennyson...

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