APM Fossil North Zero Rework

When you need a crew that performs a quality outage, precisely done the first time, APM delivers. APM recently completed the Calpine - Westbrook outage in Westbrook, ME.  The job began on March 25, 2016 and the outage scope was a hot gas path on a 7FA GT and a generator minor.  APM Superintendents, John Nicewicz (day shift) and Mark Foster (night shift) led the crew that was able to...

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During a recent jobsite visit to Entergy’s site in Ouachita, Louisiana, I had the pleasure of watching and photographing an APM Fossil South team orchestrate lifting and installing the rotor.  The team took their time to guarantee a successful lift and every person on the crew was 100% attuned to the task at hand.  They all communicated with each other and the Project Manager, Michael Hill...

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APM Fossil South Delivers Quality Ingenuity

Slow and steady wins the race.  Recently at Entergy - Hinds Energy Facility in Jackson, Mississippi, the APM Fossil South team performed a major on the plant’s D11 combined cycle steam turbine unit. This particular job has been going on since September of 2015.  Michael Hill led as APM Project Manager, and the APM Superintendents were, Ron Turner, Jr./Ronnie Cox on ST days, and Kendell Tennyson, ST Nights disassembly and Brennon Morris, ST Nights Reassembly...

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APM Canada Offers Creative Solutions to Customer

Our APM field personnel have a passion for their craft and prove they are experts by leading the way to successful job completion.  They exemplify our values of safety and quality, and continue to prove why APM delivers craft labor solutions.  We are proud to have such a strong force working Our APM field personnel have a passion for their craft and prove they are experts by leading the way to successful job completion.  They exemplify our values of safety and quality, and continue to prove why APM delivers craft labor solutions.  We are proud to have such a strong force working... 

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APM Fossil North Scores 10 Out of 10!

The dedication of an APM crew is unparalleled. Our APM Fossil North team recently completed a major inspection on the HP/IP (High Pressure/Intermediate Pressure) turbine and a hydrogen cooled generator major inspection at Entergy’s Rhode Island State Energy Center (RISE) in Johnston, Rhode Island.  The APM dayshift crew was led by APM Superintendent...

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#EHSInspires our APM Fossil West Crew at the Front Range Power Plant

Our APM Fossil West crew recently scored excellent ratings on their EHS audit from APM Fossil West Director, Scott Ranaldi, under the supervision of Superintendent, Jim Gehring. Under his leadership, the crew also received several compliments regarding their EHS practices from Lead GE Field Engineer, Lance Klosa, as well as onsite management. We appreciate the continued dedication and accountability of Jim working with his crews...

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