Get the Buzz | APM 2024 Steam Job of the Year Goes to… Capital Power!

We are excited to announce that the 2024 APM Steam Job of the Year is ... Capital Power! This job required the partnership of APM’s Boiler and APM Canada’s turbine divisions throughout 1 year of planning and execution to complete. The Boiler team was tasked with Condenser Modifications and Heater Deck Vessel Removal, Gas Conversion Piping Upgrades and Retrofit (Repower/Demolition/Commissioning), while the Canada turbine crew focused on an HP/IP upgrade as well as a Generator Stator swap (the lower cases were removed for an upgrade). Both units did such an outstanding job onsite that they were nominated and chosen as the Job of the Year for the Steam side of the business in 2024!

This job stood out because of its vast project scope, as well as the everchanging needs met by the team onsite. With both crews carrying the aforementioned assignments, the outage had multiple work areas to cover. Despite the challenging comprehensive work scopes, the teams maintained safety and quality as their top priorities. It’s also important to note that APM was not the only contractor onsite. According to Boiler Canada Operations Division Leader, Travis Kreil, “This job was a massive project with multiple contractors working in close proximity to each other to achieve a common goal. At one point there were 6 different companies employing well over 500 employees working in a footprint no larger than APM’s LDC. Our Superintendents, GF’s, FM, QC, EHS, Admin and Craft showed their ability to change tasks, adapt and over come obstacles.” Needless to say, the efforts of the crews to safely execute their tasks throughout the conditions of the outage were nothing short of extraordinary!

A key takeaway from the outage involved the crew’s resilience. Although the teams were in the thick of it for an entire year, they never failed to address forthcoming obstacles with a positive attitude. APM Canada Operations Division Manager, Craig Mosier, had this to say on the matter, “This was an extremely long job that had its challenges. The teams continued to rally no matter what was thrown at them; always moving forward and keeping morale high onsite. The customer, Capital Power, was very pleased with the job overall as well as the dedication shown by the APM Teams.” Along with this agile mentality, the crews displayed the power of working together to achieve a common goal. With these two attitudes combined, the crews proved that any job can be completed safely, on time, and on budget if everyone collectively follows the Life Saving Rules and take accountability for their actions.

The Life Saving Rules played a critical role in delivering safety onsite. From proper Mechanical Lifting procedures to obtaining Work Authorization for Confined Spaces, the teams were adamant about applying the Rules, not only for the safety of themselves, but those around them as well. You can review the heavily utilized Rules applied during the outage below.

We’d like to recognize everyone on the crew for your outstanding performance at Capital Power. Thank you to Superintendents Norm Metke and Tate Halpin from APM Canada as well as Mark Farrish, Rob Robertson, Rod Howse, Matt Johnson from APM Boiler, for leading the (combined) 417,000-person hour outage to success.  And thank you to the entire team listed below for reflecting and living the APM values of safety, quality, collaboration and excellence!


APM Boiler

Chris Allanson

Dave Auger

Francois Bonjean

Bentley Bonwick

Aaron Carlson

Blair J. Colpron

 Ronald D. Damery

Michael (Jeff) Denard

Keith Erickson

Kyla T. Fairbrother

Mark Farrish

Myles Gifford

Jamie Grenier

Peter Holoiday

Roderick M. Howse

Chris Hurst

Andrew W. Johnson

Matthew D. Johnson

Bradley K. Johnston

Barry W. Karakochuk

Gary Kothke

Cody C. Kwolick

Scott C. Long

McChesney, Todd Jay

Luis E. Minami-Yoshiyama

Norman (Keaton) K. Mitchell

Adam Nikirk

Cody Noyes

Evan Pearce O'Brien

Noel F. O'Brien

Eric T. Scheetz

James R. Schroeder

Joshua Silverthorne

Shane D. Smiley

Celine Stevenson

Ben Swartout

Kris Utri

Scott D. VanSickle

Tristan Wall

Cindy Lou White


APM Canada

Raynard Arcand

Agnes Bearhead

Matthew J. Beddie

William R. Berger

Justin Blasner

Calvin R. Bodnar

Gordon L. Borgstrom

Robert D. Butler

Joseph Chambers

Frances Ming Khan F. Chok

Ming Kee Chok

Robert M. Creighton,

Tristen Davidson

 Tom Debeljak 

Ethan E. Demerchant

Devlin Desrochers

Jeff Dobson

Timothy F. Doe

Bo Edgson

Ron Ell

Keith Erickson

Jerrid R. Esler

Tyler Forster

Brennan Fuoco

Todd A. Gonzola

Caleb R. Grauman

Gaylan Guy

Tate Halpin

Richard R. Hauk

Graeme T. Heidinger

Fallon A. Horne

Todd Horne

Yvan Huberdeau

John K. Huculak

James P. Huller

Grant Ireland

Jakub Jakoubek

Abdiaziz Khair

Olexiy Kibler

Andrew Kruger

Ray Kruger

Kayla Lamouche

Ken G. Lavalliere

Scott Leys

Ethan T. Livingstone

Blair W. MacNeil

Jason McElrea

Jeffrey D. McElrea

Luke McFadden

Terrance McGillivray

Justin McLachlen

Murray McLeod

Norman Metke

Paul Mitchell

Braden Mosier

Michelle A. Nyers

Kristen Olsen

Loren R. Onyschuk

Andrea E. Osborne

Jack Peck

Tyson Pelletier

Kaden Petracek

Nathan D. Petracek

Duane Prylowski,

Robert Robinson

Khadim Sall

Colin D. Schellenberg

Micheal E. Sereda

Jacob G. Shuck

Jonathon J. Smegal

Leroy W. Solila

Cedric St. Pierre

Stefan A. Stalker,

Timothy Stout

Johnathan R. Tardi

Alyssa Tatarczuk

Christian B. Unger

Devin E. VanSickle

Randy R. Wagar

Bryan T. Weir

Wallis Wetzel

James Worth   

Joshua M. Wyman

James J. Yakowchuk

Wei Kuen Yun