Get the Buzz ... Ed Deitman Wins Safety Professional of the Year and APM Boiler Earns TAUC Thomas J. Reynolds Award

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We are excited and proud to share that APM Boiler has been recognized by The Association of Union Constructors (“TAUC”) for their dedication to safety. Edward (“Ed”) Deitman, APM EHS Manager, was crowned the first ever TAUC Safety Professional of the Year (“SPOTY”) and the APM Boiler division was honored with the Thomas J. Reynolds award!


The nomination of Ed Deitman for TAUC Safety Professional of the Year was a rigorous process. It required a nomination submission, recommendation letters, and justification to be considered as a candidate. This means a team effort was necessary to be able to support a single nominee for the award. Our APM family was determined to give Ed the chance to earn this distinction.  Multiple people banded together to vouch for Ed. Laurie Laube, APM Boiler Operations Division Manager, submitted the nomination for Ed Deitman.  Multiple letters of recommendation were put forward from Laurie Laube, Bryan Williams (APM EHS Director) and Jake Locklear (APM President and CEO), John Baierlein (APM Boiler Senior Operations Division Leader), Mike Bush (APM Boiler Superintendent), and Tommy Tucker (APM Boiler Superintendent).


In these letters, APM stakeholders proved that Ed Deitman consistently demonstrated the 7 Pillars of FREEDOM – Foresight, Recognized, Effective, Educate, Demonstrative, Opportunity/Recruitment, and Mentoring/Coaching – in his safety leadership. We are proud of his amazing accomplishment and his exceptional leadership and safety focus that sends our people home safe at the end of the day.


Here’s a look at the video from TAUC, highlighting the SPOTY with many of Ed’s coworkers sharing why he deserved this prestigious award.


The second exciting award received was the Thomas J. Reynolds award. This major accomplishment was made even more impressive because the qualification is stricter this year and will be going forward. The eligibility requirement changed from a Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) rate of 25% less than industry standard to ZERO Days Away Restricted Time. Despite this narrowed scope, APM Boiler earned this achievement through their relentless dedication to safety, marking this the 7th consecutive year APM Boiler has received this award! Incredible!


Congratulations to our amazing APM Boiler team and Ed Deitman for their unwavering commitment to safety above all and being recognized with these distinguished awards!