Reflections ... Infinite Relationships and Seats @ Table


A finite game is played for the purpose of winning; an infinite game for the purpose of continuing to play. ~ James P. Carse

One of our Blueprint Strategies or WIGs (Wildly Important Goals) is developing Infinite Relationships. What are Infinite Relationships?

From my perspective, an infinite relationship is one where each party’s relationship purpose is mutual success. We recognize we are on a journey together, and we can help each other win together. With infinite relationships, we have the opportunity both to influence and to be influenced in a way that betters all of us – our teams, our businesses, our fellow stakeholders – ultimately the construction industry at every level.

Such relationships call us to be leaders, and we all have an opportunity to occupy this space. A title does not make a leader; influence and impact make a leader. You are all important leaders for APM, and I urge you to consider what infinite relationships you may have or should have to impact APM’s mission.

Seats @ Table

One of my visions for APM winning is when we have seats at strategic tables. This enables us to be influential and develop infinite relationships with our employees, customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders. In the past two weeks and the upcoming two weeks, APM is at a number of tables. I highlight a few below.

  • TAUC IGI (Industrial Grade Innovation) Conference … We had a number of APM reps present from all lines of business. Timothy Hoch and Julie Doyle presented APM’s perspective on optimizing the value of our craft, including our take on the value of a “Digital Superintendent” through the use of innovative platforms like AirTime. This opportunity allowed us to be recognized as influencers and thought leaders within the union construction industry.

  • Southern Company Contractor Safety Forum … This event fosters collaboration on safety culture and leadership with one of the top 10 GE customers globally. We had a number of our Gas leaders present; APM was recognized as a sponsor. We also hold a seat on the Southern Safety Trilateral (SST) for 5 years now.

  • GE & Entergy Safety Summit … APM is hosting this event next week at our APM LDC. We are excited for this opportunity to collaborate with a key customer on ways to improve the most important thing we do – keep our people safe.

  • GE Power 3-Year EHS Strategy Session … We have been invited to participate in this EHS strategy session GE Gas Power is hosting. I look forward to this partnership for building our collective vision for leading safety in the field.

  • GE Power LAT (Local Area Team) Workouts … Our Operations leaders are attending multiple workouts with our GE peers, planning the upcoming spring outage season. APM is also presenting an update on our alignment and service offerings, “Delivering Expert Craft Solutions” – cross-selling each APM line of business and winning work opportunities for our craft.

My emailed version of this blog includes an attachment with my core focus over these same four weeks. I expect you will note a theme of infinite relationships and seats at the table. I will continue to share these focus areas along with reflections and actions. I ask you hold me accountable to be focused and deliver value for our APM and our partners.

What tables are you at?
