Reflections ... Applied LEAN Training


A core commonality between LEAN concepts and our focus on safety is the valuation of life and time well spent.

  • Lean – Value of employee time; Improve utilization of their time/knowledge (respect)

  • Safety – Value of human life; Send employees home safely both physically and mentally

Recently, members of our corporate team, Bruce Bever (Chief Finance Director), Lisset Lopez (Business Improvement Director), and Mellissa Fryman (Billing Manager), visited our Wilmington, MA office to gain a better understanding of what is working well and what could be further improved.

During their visit, they provided LEAN training for the employees so they could take ownership in identifying and resolving process inefficiencies. Another key objective of their visit was to identify and discuss potential areas for growth within the rigging business line. The business improvements achieved through applications of LEAN concepts are the first step in the direction of business growth. We must first ensure current business is optimized before reaching out for new business opportunities.

I asked them to share some reflections from their week.


LEAN Training

During the LEAN presentation, we covered the introduction to terminology, methodology, principles, and tools. Essentially, LEAN targets the elimination of waste and non-value-added process steps.

Each of the training participants identified at least 2 tasks related to their job that could be improved, which resulted in 3 active projects using the application of the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) tool.

Below is a listing of the projects from the week and their current statuses:

  • 1 completed (Requisition > PO > PO Receipt > Invoice)

  • 1 in process (Rigging payroll process)

  • 1 starting (Gigatrack inventory system)

These projects will improve the business with the following benefits:

  • Automation (moving from paper to utilization of the capabilities of our systems)

  • Streamlined processes + standardization

  • > Growth with < $ due to resources working more efficiently, frees up time to focus on growth

The feedback received from the participants were very positive and showed the progress we made. Below are some of the key takeaways provided by the training participants about LEAN:

  • Small incremental changes add up to big results

  • Mapping value stream is key

  • Working smarter, not harder

  • Eliminating waste & working more efficiently on a continuous basis

  • GEMBA, where the work happens

  • Lean is important enough to get behind! A must!

In summary, we walked away feeling that our time in Wilmington was well spent, further developing relationships and enhancing our team’s perspective on the continuous improvement mindset. Below is a picture of us with our Wilmington team.

lean 1.jpg


Thank you, Bruce, Lisset, and Melissa for your leadership and advocacy in LEAN and safety with our teams.
