APM + APCOM Receives Certificates of Merit

Above all else, APM + APCom values safety. It is our responsibility as a company to ensure that all our personnel get home safely every night. We believe that by working diligently as a team, we can eliminate injuries and unsafe practices and incidents in our everyday work tasks.  Practicing situational awareness and safety for ourselves and our fellow workers is part of being responsible and confirms that safety is a core value for our teams, and is the way we do business.  Part of this commitment to safety includes striving to complete projects with injury-free work hours.

On November 2nd, our teams were honored for this commitment at the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee’s Zero Injury Safety Awards (ZISA). The committee presented APM + APCom with a Certificate of Merit for our completion of two jobs with 50,000 injury-free work hours.

The Dominion - Mt. Storm Project was completed successfully for APCom, and the key personnel were Eric Vargo, George “Buddy” Hanks, John Baierlein, Tom Hall, Joe McDonough, Ken Mical and Rob Hayes.  Thank you to each employee who made the project a success.

The Wolf Creek Project hit the record mark successfully for APM Nuclear, and the key personnel were Terry Jennings, Greg Gibbs, Ron Kerley, Eric Finch, Tommy Tucker, Brad Elliott, Dave Kytle, and John McCool.  Every employee on the project are credited with the project’s success and performance.

These awards reflect the work and diligence our team dedicates to ensuring the safety of our craft personnel. Jake Locklear, Mark Benacquisto, Laurie Laube and Scean Cherry were honored to receive the awards on your behalf.  APM + APCom thanks everyone involved in earning these extraordinary awards, and commends the entire company for upholding the standard of excellence and commitment to safety.

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