APM Zeroes in on Quality with their Zero Defects Campaign
APM Leadership team during the Q Award presentation, pictured from left to right: Reggie Fields, Ben Jonas and Gary Vanderloo.
When you need a team that’s committed to continuous improvement, APM delivers. One way that APM exercises that commitment is through their Quality Program. For the first half of this year, the APM Quality Program has focused in on achieving “Zero Defects”. To APM, a “Defect” is a mistake (attributed to APM) in their service process that could cause or did cause a customer an unavailable hour due to a rework hour, also known as a lost man-hour. One example of a Defect is a Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) incident. To rally their workforce around the Zero Defects focus, a field campaign was initiated, incorporating materials such as hard hat stickers, pens and mouse pads to serve as message reminders. The APM Quality Program also implemented a Q-Card for on-site reporting of quality issues that did or could have led to a Defect. APM is pleased in discovering that the year over year data reflecting Defects has decreased from last year to this year, and they are optimistic that their campaign initiatives and continuous messaging contributed to the awareness and sensitivity to Defects during the spring outage season. To congratulate the APM Operations Team on this success, the APM Quality Manager, Reggie Fields, presented the APM Q Award to the Regional Directors that put forth the most effort to implement the Quality Program into their regions this spring. The award was presented to APM Fossil West Director, Scott Ranaldi, and APM Fossil Canada Director, Ben Jonas. Three key Quality Programs that these leaders successfully implemented within their regions were Zero Defects, Corrective Action Preventative Action and Best Practices. Scott and Ben exemplify the characteristics needed for APM to move forward in their continuous improvement journey! Congratulations to the entire APM team for this success!