Reflections... Reminders

“Everyone needs reminders that the fact of their being on this earth is important and that each life changes everything.”

~ Marge Kennedy

APM Team,

The past two months have been an energizing time in APM @ our LDC. We have hosted ~250 people, including a New Superintendent Course for ~25 new superintendents (along with another in Canada), a Project Superintendent Course for ~20 top superintendents to support transactional (ex: no FE) scopes, and multiple Live Outage Courses for ~30 core superintendents and crews (along with a few of our GE partners).

A highlight for my month is engaging with our New Superintendent candidates in two sessions – APM Excellence aka CBS & the Safety Keystone and APM Leadership aka Balmert tools. It does me good to spend time with our next generation field leaders, stressing the importance of safety, not only as a business strategy but more importantly a value of human life and impact. I trust our time together is valuable for our new superintendents as well.

One value I get from the New Superintendent Course is reminders on fundamental concepts of CBS & the Safety Keystone. As the quote above emphasizes, reminders are good and needed. So in that spirit I share three basic reminders:

1. When is it OK to do a task without knowing the risks and expected outcomes? Never. We always perform a Safety Task Analysis (STA).

2. When an organization values safety, what does it mean to all employees?

  • We each think about it?

  • We each talk about it?

  • We each act on it!

3. What does a good action (or commitment) look like?

Safety excellence is created by all employees on a task basis. This begins with a commitment from each employee.
