APM Gas Raises the Bar at Marcus Hook Upgrade Outage

During the peak of our 2019 spring outage season, our APM Gas Services Team, in partnership with FieldCore, executed a Major Advanced Gas Path upgrade for Starwood Energy Group at the Marcus Hook Energy Center in Pennsylvania. The site team was led by APM Gas Superintendents Rich Hagar, Keven Matheson, Chris Opanhoske, and Jon Barlow.

Throughout the job, the team overcame several hurdles, including strained coordination of qualified manpower and subcontractors. The site leadership persevered through these challenges with poise and successfully focused their teams on the end goal, coaching and providing detailed guidance throughout the process. Despite a significant amount of additional work added to the job scope, our team delivered on the schedule commitment without any major first aids or injuries.

Prior to the outage, Starwood representation emphasized their need for “the very best ‘A’ team” at the Marcus Hook outage, and thanks to our excellent performance, we expect future opportunities to deliver for Starwood. GE Service Director, Brian Shimmon, commented, “…great effort by all and outcome delivered-and we appreciate your contributions in overall coordination of a lot of moving pieces. I realize we had various challenges, but the impressive, cross functional team worked through them proficiently. I appreciate everyone’s effort in scoping, selling, and executing these upgrade outages!”

The work completed by our APM teams is rarely simple or easily accomplished, but successes, such as this one, in the face of many hurdles displays our commitment to the APM values - Accountability, Candor, Transparency, and Collaboration. The dedication of every employee is paramount to our company’s growth, and our success at Marcus Hook has instilled confidence in our brand promise and solidified our continued partnership with Starwood Energy Group. We extend a hearty thanks and congratulations to the team that made this possible!