APM Specialty Services Retrofit Success

APM Specialty Services team recently completed a job at the New Madrid Power Plant in Missouri. The team performed a main steam line piping retrofit welding project on a Brown Boveri unit. This project was extremely critical, as it was the first project that APM Specialty Services partnered with Legacy Alstom on a large scale turbine retrofit. The project was led by day shift Superintendent- Kevin Marich and night shift Superintendent –Andy Childers.

The customer was very pleased to see the APM team fulfill its commitments to quality, safety and schedule, as noted below:

According to Patrick Northrup – Night Shift Piping TFA :  “I just want to pass it along that your crew out here did a great job. Andy Childers really kept the job on track and worked to make sure it was completed the proper way and to spec. He kept his crew busy and moving ahead. Andy was always looking for things that the men could do that would be beneficial to the project. Safety was and is practiced by all of your crew and they did look ahead at how they were going to rig and lift pipe and materials. The welding crew that was out here did an excellent job also. They are a very good group of skilled tradesman.

 Andy treated the crew very respectful and kept me informed on what was going on. If there was a problem he came to me and we figured it out and not let things hold up the project. Andy continually did what was correct and did what the customer was paying for. Andy Childers is defiantly an asset to your company and future.

I am the night piping TFA, so I cannot talk about the day manager to much.

 This is just my opinion, APM-SS did a good job on this project and I would be happy to work with your company again. Especially, with Andy and his crew anytime or on any project.”

 From Rocky Armstrong –Granite Safety Consultant: “I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for having Andy Childers as my Superintendent on the night crew for APM SS during the outage at New Madrid, Missouri.  The AECI Power Station job was my first as a GE Safety consultant employed through Granite Services and I must say I was impressed by the entire crew and Andy’s leadership ability.

 Andy took everything I suggested and put it to work immediately.  He is a thoughtful supervisor and cares for the welfare of his crew.  The first couple of shifts we had to learn the client’s rules and way of doing things.  After that even as things changed, Andy took it in stride and we worked through any issues.  He is not afraid to ask questions as well as give advice when asked.  Technical questions I had about the crew’s work were answered with integrity and purpose.

 I will be with this crew until they are finished but I felt that this information about one of your leaders, on your team, should not be forgotten in the shuffle of demobilizing.  Andy is a good, knowledgeable Superintendent that I look forward to working with again in the future. 

Thank team for being professionals and giving your best on every job.