Harvey Aftermath

While many of us have returned to a semi-normal work schedule in the Pasadena, TX office, we understand that there are ongoing needs in our families and communities in the aftermath of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey.

We applaud your efforts thus far and are thankful for your servitude to aid people in need. While we must maintain critical business operations, we don’t want to lose sight of community service. We have included some initiatives below to help us keep this focus. Please notify us of additional opportunities you are passionate about to help us support our community.

Look for more community events and fundraiser details coming soon!


Golden Acres Elementary DONATIONS

Golden Acres Elementary needs our support to help the children affected by Hurricane Harvey. 
They’ve asked if we can donate the following items:

  • Boy clothes  (Size Youth 6 to size Youth XL).  They do not wear uniforms.  They can wear t-shirts - nothing religious or with skulls, etc.
  • Girl clothes  (Size Youth 6 to size Youth XL).  They do not wear uniforms.  They can wear t-shirts - nothing religious or with skulls, etc.
  • Boys and girls socks (Size Youth 6 to size Youth XL).  
  • Boys and girls underwear (Size Youth 6 to size Youth XL).  

If you can contribute, we have placed large boxes in the all of the buildings on the Pasadena campus to place the items in. We will be delivering the donated items on September 27th. If you would like to send items from other regions, please contact Stephanie McGowan.


GE Emergency Aid for Viceroy Employees

Viceroy employees who have suffered property damages are eligible for GE Emergency Aid. Please contact HR Supervisor, Leslie Jeanes, for more information if you would like request aid. Employees who request aid may be eligible for additional benefits to help provide funds upfront for repairs and other disaster related accommodations.