Learn about the APM Interns, Jacob Chacon, Ram Pangaluri, Carisma Spears, and Ervin Rivera!

This month’s spotlight features our APM Interns, Jacob Chacon, Ram Pangaluri, Carisma Spears, and Ervin Rivera! We are so excited to spotlight our interns’ experience at APM and their thoughts on their recent Working Out Loud Circle, a program focused on employee collaboration across the company. Thank you to Brad Hagemann for his mentorship on the WOL process, Katie Maldonado for facilitating this opportunity, and Jared Jordan for leading the interns throughout their 12-week journey! Read more to learn about our interns and their experience with Working Out Loud.


Jacob Chacon – Executive Intern

What’s one thing that surprised you about working with APM?

How complex the business is and the different levels of typical business processes necessary to keep the business going.


What energizes you at work?

Learning and being proud of my end work product.


How has APM helped you in your career development?

APM was my first office job, and I have been with APM ~4.5 years (senior in high school to current UH graduate).


What is a non-work related accomplishment that you’re proud of?

Graduating college from UH (Major: Computer Information Systems; Minor: Business Administration).


What is one key learning or valuable change you gained through your Working Out Loud Circle?

I learned more about my fellow WOL circle members as well as the importance of networking and how to better initiate and engage in networking.


Ram Pangaluri – Data Analytics Intern

What do you find the most challenging in your role?

Data Analytics is as much an art as it is a science. Some projects require heavy statistical analysis and number crunching, while others call for displaying information in a pleasant way for the best user experience and interaction. Many projects require both. Finding the right combination of science and art in a project is probably the most challenging part of my role, but I thoroughly enjoy finding that balance!


How has APM helped you in your career development?

APM has helped me so much in my career development. I have gotten hands on experience with AI and ML Tools. I have strengthened both my technical and soft skills. I was also fortunate to work with many different departments on cross-functional data projects providing business value and insights. APM was also very supportive in terms of work training and gaining skills and certifications.


Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?

My mentors Aaron Crouch and Danielle Cormier have influenced me the most when it comes to how I approach my work. I count myself to be very lucky to have been under their mentorship for the past two years. Seeing their dedication and passion for data analytics and their work motivated me to fully explore the field and improve on my own skills.


What is one key learning or valuable change you gained through your Working Out Loud Circle?

One key learning I gained through WOL is the value added to conversation, meetings, and other forms of communication by asking questions early on. I, by nature, like to listen first and ask questions later and that is usually my modus operandi in meetings. In my WOL circle, however, I recognized the power of asking questions first in conversation and meetings. Asking questions early on can steer the conversation on a different path leading to different outcomes and new solutions. With this new knowledge I will look to use both styles in my meetings to reach better solutions faster.


Carisma Spears – Communications Intern

What led you to this industry and how did you first learn about APM?

I was actually a senior in high school when my Money Matters teacher found out about this position. She confided in me that I was her top choice and recommended that I apply since I seemed like a good fit. Her confidence in me is what brought me here today!


What’s one thing that surprised you about working with APM?

I was surprised by how welcoming and friendly people at APM were and by APM’s strong foundation in important company values and ethics. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the concrete effort to encourage community involvement through the Good Neighbor Project.


How has APM helped you in your career development?

My internship at APM was my first career experience, and it provided valuable learnings and opportunities while exposing me to different fields, people, and perspectives. My introduction into the workforce was a great one because of my supportive team and leadership.


What is one key learning or valuable change you gained through your Working Out Loud Circle?

A valuable change I gained since joining my WOL circle was that I am more confident in the value I bring to the table in conversations both within a work setting and in other environments. I feel a lot more confident in balancing my introverted predisposition with collaborating, sharing ideas and perspectives, and making connections with people.

Ervin Rivera – IT Intern

What’s one thing that surprised you about working with APM?

One thing that surprised me about APM was how supportive everyone is, in other places, it was everyone fending for themselves, but here at APM, it feels like we are all a big family.


What energizes you at work?

The thing that energizes me at work would probably be the daily cup of coffee that I drink.


What is your proudest moment with APM?

My proudest moment at APM was when I helped complete the equipment set-up for the New Superintendent training that occurred this last spring.


What is one key learning or valuable change you gained through your Working Out Loud Circle?

One valuable change that I’ve notice in my self is that I now step more outside of my comfort zone. Now after W.O.L, I feel more at ease asking and giving help wherever needed.