APM Gas Services Continues to Deliver for our Customer through Teamwork

Our APM Gas Services team, along with One Field Services, ventured to the Trimble County Station located in Kentucky again this year to conduct a hot gas path scope on one of the 7FA gas turbines.

Our Superintendent, Jason Cramer, and his core team have been requested by the customer for the last several outages at this site. Jason was teamed up with FieldCore Field Engineer, Justin Rozwat, to deliver the scope.

Some additional insights from Jason Cramer are shared below:

How did you maintain coordination and communication with the Field Engineer?

The Field Engineer and I shared an office space. This facilitated an open line of communication, and we were able to directly discuss the key items for the day. It also allowed us to better plan for the upcoming work and address any issues that may have come up along the way. We found it a great help to work together as one team and share ideas, concerns, and scheduling coordination for the entire outage.

Were there any daily or weekly routines that were helpful?

Each morning the Field Engineer and I would hold a Safety Discussion to start our day. We would allow the other team members to lead the main discussion (from a list of topics I would give them). Then the Field Engineer and I would follow up with more detail and other key topics for the day.

What programs were helpful onsite to drive safety and quality?

The most useful programs that we utilized were the STA cards and daily morning focus meetings and after lunch refocus meetings. By allowing the team members to lead the initial talks, it encouraged open communication and often a different point of view on a topic. Most of the team members commented about how much they enjoyed being able to have a say, or part, in the safety meetings. They felt empowered to make safety personal.

The past few outages, the One Field Services Team has received constructive feedback from the customer, and our APM team worked diligently, along with FieldCore and GE, to deliver on customer expectations this round. Following the outage, our team received a solid 4 out of 5 rating review, which demonstrated an appreciation for our ongoing improvements. With the positive attitude for growth and collaboration, we are confident the team will continue to excel and delight our customer.

The field crew did an excellent job, and it is mainly due to the relationship between the APM Superintendent and the Field Engineer; these two work very well together. Also, we did not have the same exact crew from the Spring 2021 outage, but the result of managing the crew was very good and the same work quality was achieved with basically a different crew,” commented the customer representative.

Thank you to the entire One Field Services team on this job for executing this outage with great care for quality and safety to deliver excellence to our customer!