Meet APM Superintendent, Shawn Stack!

This month’s spotlight features APM Superintendent, Shawn Stack! Shawn has previously spent time as a Blade Tech and is recognized as a reliable and dynamic employee. Shawn meets every outage with focus and drive, the same attributes he meets his Ironman Triathlon competitions with. We are so excited to spotlight Shawn! Read more to get to know his history with APM, proudest moments, and some of his favorite hobbies.

What led Shawn to the company?

Beginning his career as a Millwright, and primarily working in agriculture and automobile plants, his apprenticeship instructor asked if he would like to move into turbine work. Shawn began working with APM in early 2012 and has enjoyed the many connections he has created across the country and globe. Shawn’s ability to approach projects from all aspects is attributed to his multi-level training as Foreman (previously Keyman), Blade Technician, and Superintendent.

Learning how to lead people and run outages has been invaluable and has helped me work my way to being a Superintendent,” commented Shawn.

What is Shawn’s proudest moment with APM?

Shawn has been employed with APM for a total of 9 years, and recalls completing his first outage at Emery Plant as his proudest moment with APM. Shawn and the site team were able to adapt to the changing work scope to knock it out of the park.

I was super proud of how we all did our first job together,” added Shawn.

Who has inspired Shawn most when it comes to how he approaches his work?

When asked about his biggest source of inspiration, Shawn answered, “My father, Tomas Stack, for motivating me to be a Millwright, and Brett Kennard. Brett gave me a shot, and he and his crew were instrumental in getting me to where I am now.”

What energizes and inspires Shawn most at work? What advice would he give a future APM employee?

Shawn enjoys watching his crews take pride in their craft, work as a close team during challenging tasks, and assist supporting site teams when they are learning about the work scope.

Shawn’s advice for prospective APM employees is to, “Work hard and learn all you can, I knew nothing about turbines until my first job.”

What does Shawn enjoy during his free time?

Shawn prefers to spend his days off with his wife, Amber, and his two sons, Keegan and Mason. Shawn also trains for the Ironman Triathlon when he can. His proudest accomplishment outside of work is completing half of the Ironman race.

How does Shawn define true leadership?

Shawn defines true leadership as being as hands on as possible and demonstrating the safest manner in completing tasks, “showing others how to do things safely and helping when things get hard or when the weather is nasty - be out there,” commented Shawn.

  • “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence” - Vince Lombardi

  • 1. Shooting at The Grand American Trapshooting Championships

    2. His family

    3. Finishing a half Ironman Triathlon

  • “All go, no quit.”