APM Specialty Services Canada Applies Perseverance to Complete Outage at Canadian Power Meridian CoGen

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out” - Robert Collier


Typically, APM, FieldCore, and GE meet in person to set out a pre-planning process for an outage. Due to the current environment within COVID-19, multiple calls were made with APM Canada Director – Ben Jonas, Service Managers – Craig Mosier and Ben Storie, Lead EHS Representative – Rob Dunbar, and Superintendents – Derek Steele and Jeremy Johnson to discuss optimal work completion at Canadian Power Meridian CoGen in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan.

Mobilized in mid-April and led by Derek Steele and Jeremy Johnson, our strong APM Canada team accomplished a full Major Inspection that involved a casing alignment as well as patch ring and plug repairs on compressor cases. The compressor cases required removal of both the lower half and upper half.

Working with GE and FieldCore, the APM Canada team was able to deploy an extra Job Safety Person for each shift to help manage the COVID-19 portion of the outage and to have a full time Safety Person dedicated to overseeing the work.

“Our Superintendents and Job Safety Persons onsite are doing an excellent job of managing the work being performed as well as keeping everyone safe. We greatly appreciate the Customer Service Leaders and Outage Managers working with us to help ensure our people in the field are getting the support they need during these unusual times,” said APM’s Chief Growth Officer, Charles Nagley.

The team’s diligent movement on this scope resulted in completion of the outage on schedule.

“This was our first Major Inspection in the pandemic, and the guys have been doing an excellent job of following protocol and managing situations as they arise,” said Service Manager, Ben Storie.

The team’s adaption to the daily changes in updates and their perseverance onsite played a large part in keeping spirits high despite being away from their families. Their honorable efforts, dedicating their time and expertise, to meet customer needs with meticulous attention to safety and quality during this pandemic is inspiring.

Thank you to our awesome APM Canada team for delivering excellent performance at Canadian Power Meridian CoGen!