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Get The Buzz... APM Steam Fossil Shows Resilience and Teamwork for Entergy Little Gypsy Outage

In LaPlace, Louisiana on February 28th, 2022, APM Steam Fossil began the Entergy Little Gypsy Outage. To prepare for the job scope of a High Pressure (HP) major inspection and a boiler feed turbine major inspection, there were pre-job discussions, online training, and several conference calls with superintendents, GE representatives, and craft professionals. By the time the job concluded on July 28th, there was a grand total of 27,100 manhours worked and ZERO safety incidents. Wow!


The conditions of this outage tested the resilience of the team tremendously, but they proved themselves up to the task. With heat indexes of 107 – 112, storms, and severe weather, the crew was faced with numerous environmental challenges. However, they persevered by following APM procedures with frequent hydration and breaks and adjusting their schedule to meet the company safety expectations as needed. Thanks to their dedication and diligence, their biggest obstacles became their greatest accomplishments.


This outage’s success can also be attributed to teamwork. From the trust-earning interactions with the customer to the pride everyone took in their specific work allocations, all displayed remarkable communication and collaboration. The work ethic showcased at every level from project oversight to onsite management to the frontline craft really impressed the customer.


“I cannot say enough good nor provide high enough praise relating to the safety and quality focus of the craft labor and supervision on this team. Their performance to date has been exemplary.”

- Eric R. Best, Outage Manager of GE Steam Power


Thank you to Mark Angel and James Ratliff as well as the dayshift and nightshift team for your impressive work at this outage! APM is incredibly proud of the resilience, teamwork, and commitment demonstrated to deliver excellence by our Steam Fossil team at the Entergy Little Gypsy Outage.