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Good Neighbors are Indispensable

In Ottawa alone, more than 39,000 people visit an emergency food bank program every month.

Our generous APM team at the Ottawa office donated two large boxes of food and dedicated their afternoon on January 24th to volunteer at the Ottawa Food Bank.

Their group of seven sorted and packaged approximately 1700 lbs. of food in two hours. “Those two hours just flew by,” said Kim MacDonell, EHS Administrator.

“It gave us an opportunity, outside of the office, to solidify what we already know, we work amazingly efficient as a team!”

The team came away from the experience feeling enriched and blessed to have been given the chance to support an important establishment that many people rely on within the Ottawa community.

The Ottawa Food Bank supplies fresh and non-perishable food as well as necessities such as, diapers, toiletries and cleaning resources across the city.

The Ottawa office hopes to return in the fall with plans to continue contributing volunteer service hours.

Thank you for your glittering contributions towards such an essential program!